The reason the quick production of Albums like "Blue" and "Love And Russian Winter" , reveals Mick, is that he has found himself on a creative roll with its producers and his long-time collaborators, Andy Wright and Gota Yashiki. "It's been wonderful for me to find two people I so trust and have confidence in. That's made it a fantastic working triumvirate. Add to that the synergy of a great band which is totally committed to the music and brings a constant flow of new ideas to it, and you can see why I'm feeling so positive." With its songwriting process developed seamlessly out of that for 'Blue', the new album combines the personal and specific ('Words For Girlfriends', 'Thank You', and 'Your Eyes' among them) with themes that are public and universal ('Man Made The Gun', 'The Sky Is A Gypsy', 'Back Into The Universe'). And as the title of the closing track, 'Wave The Old World Goodbye' suggests, a definite millennium mood prevails throughout. "I suspect that what was on my mind at the time of writing these songs is pretty much what's been on everyone's," says Mick. "We're coming to the end of 2000 years. Naturally, you look back and assess what has gone before and your part in it. But also you look to the future, and out into the universe. All of these billions of us little guys, wondering how we relate to the bigger picture."
Love And Russian Winter
And the album's intriguing title? "The love element of it is self explanatory," he offers. "It's what drives and inspires us all throughout our lifetimes - and not just the poets and songwriters among us. Hope springs eternal, and thank goodness for that. If it didn't, we'd all be rushing off cliffs like lemmings. And the Russian winter element comes from my thinking of how something very harsh has actually been a saviour to us more than once over the course of those 2000 years. Ironically, it's what protected the world from Alexander the Great, from Napoleon and from Hitler. Imagine if any of them had won out... Think how different the world might be now." The stylish breadth and sheer accomplishment of 'Love And Russian Winter' will confound those who would put Simply Red in the box marked blue-eyed soul and fasten down the lid. "Categorisation like that is just lazy thinking, to my mind," says Mick. "Yes, American R&B has been a huge influence on my music, but jazz and reggae and even rock are certainly there in the mix too. I'm very much of that British tradition that started with the Rolling Stones, and whereby black American traditions are filtered into something that is original in itself and not at all derivative. Having a good, strong voice helps in that process too, of course. People might love me or loathe me, but I think everyone knows what I sound like."
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